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久本洋子・三次充和・梁瀬桐子・大石諭・天野誠(HISAMOTO, Yoko; MITSUGI, Mitsukazu; YANASE, Kiriko; OISHI, Satoru; AMANO, Makoto) |
千葉演習林森林博物資料館所蔵の1922~1990年に採集された維管束植物標本リスト(A list of vascular plant specimens collected from 1922 to 1990 and stored at the Herbarium and Forest Museum in the University of Tokyo Chiba Forest) |
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東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林生態水文学研究所(Ecohydrology Research Institute, The University of Tokyo Forests, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo) |
生態水文学研究所東山試験流域における自記雨量計による日降水量観測結果報告(Report of the Daily Precipitation measured by Automatically Recording Rain Gauges in Higashiyama Experimental Watershed (HEW), Ecohydrology Research Institute) |
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里見重成・軽込勉・米道学・久本洋子(SATOMI, Shigenari; KARUKOME, Tsutomu; YONEMICHI, Takashi; HISAMOTO, Yoko) |
キヨスミミツバツツジのさし木発根条件の検討(Examination of rooting conditions for Rhododendron kiyosumense cuttings) |
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東京大学演習林基盤データ整備委員会生物部門脊椎動物分野(Vertebrate Group, Biology Division, Fundamental Data Development Committee: Creation and the utility of fauna list in the University of Tokyo) |
東京大学演習林自動撮影カメラ調査成果報告(2011年4月~2016年3月)(Monitoring report of vertebrates in the University of Tokyo Forests, using camera traps (April, 2011〜March, 2016)) |
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里見重成(SATOMI, Shigenari) |
千葉演習林自動撮影カメラ成果報告(2011年4月~2016年3月)(Monitoring report of vertebrates in the University of Tokyo Chiba Forest, using camera traps (April, 2011~March, 2016)) |
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及川希・松井理生(OIKAWA, Nozomi; MATSUI, Masaki) |
北海道演習林自動撮影カメラ成果報告(2011年4月~2016年3月)(Monitoring report of vertebrates in the University of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest, using camera traps (April, 2011~March, 2016)) |
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高野充広・丹羽悠二・木村恒太(TAKANO, Michihiro; NIWA, Yuji; KIMURA, Kota) |
秩父演習林自動撮影カメラ成果報告(2011年4月~2016年3月)(Monitoring report of vertebrates in the University of Tokyo Chichibu Forest, using camera traps (April, 2011~March, 2016)) |
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相川美絵子(AIKAWA, Mieko) |
田無演習林自動撮影カメラ成果報告(2011年4月~2016年3月)(Monitoring report of vertebrates in the University of Tokyo Tanashi Forest, using camera traps (April, 2011 ~ March, 2016)) |
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松井理生・才木道雄・高橋功一(MATSUI, Masaki; SAIKI, Michio; TAKAHASHI, Koichi) |
生態水文学研究所自動撮影カメラ成果報告(2011年4月~2016年3月)(Monitoring report of vertebrates in the University of Tokyo Ecohydrology Research Institute, using camera traps (April, 2011 ~ March, 2016)) |
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辻和明・村瀬一隆・西山教雄(TSUJI, Kazuaki; MURASE, Kazutaka; NISHIYAMA, Norio) |
富士癒しの森研究所自動撮影カメラ成果報告(2011年4月~2016年3月)(Monitoring report of vertebrates in the Fuji Iyashinomori Woodland Study Center of The University of Tokyo Forests, using camera traps (April, 2011〜March, 2016)) |
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小林徹行・村瀬一隆(KOBAYASHI, Tetsuyuki; MURASE, Kazutaka) |
樹芸研究所自動撮影カメラ成果報告(2011年4月~2016年3月)(Monitoring report of vertebrates in the Arboricultural Research Institute of The University of Tokyo Forests, using camera traps (April, 2011 ~ March, 2016)) |
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五名美江・黒木里香・加藤敦美・川名美恵・蔵治光一郎(GOMYO, Mie; KUROKI, Rika; KATO, Atsumi; KAWANA, Yoshie; KURAJI, Koichiro) |
生態水文学研究所赤津研究林白坂流域井戸水位観測報告(Ⅰ)(Report of groundwater observation records in the Shirasaka Experimental Watershed, Akazu Research Forest, Ecohydrology Research Institute (I)) |
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五名美江・春田泰次 (GOMYO, Mie; HARUTA, Yasuji) |
秩父演習林における渓流水質分析結果報告(自 1998 年 7 月至 2010 年 3 月)(Report of the Chemical Analysis of Stream Water Quality in the University of Tokyo Chichibu Forest (Jul. 1998 - Mar. 2010)) |
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東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林生態水文学研究所 (Ecohydrology Research Institute, The University of Tokyo Forests, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo) |
秩父演習林における渓流水質分析結果報告(自 2010 年 4 月至 2011 年 3 月)(Report of the Chemical Analysis of Stream Water Quality in the University of Tokyo Chichibu Forest (Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2011)) |
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東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林生態水文学研究所(Ecohydrology Research Institute, The University of Tokyo Forests, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo) |
生態水文学研究所赤津研究林白坂北谷・南谷小流域の地表・地中量水堰堤の水位-流量曲線(Water level - discharge relationships for gauging stations measuring surface and sub-surface streamflow at North Creek and South Creek in the Shirasaka Experimental Watershed, Akazu Research Forest, Ecohydrology Research Institute) |
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齋藤暖生・藤原章雄・村瀬一隆・西山教雄・笠原琢志・浅野友子(SAITO, Haruo; FUJIWARA, Akio; MURASE, Kazutaka; NISHIYAMA, Norio; KASAHARA, Takushi; ASANO, Yuko) |
山梨県山中湖村における薪需要把握-煙突等の目視踏査、アンケート調査、薪原木販売実験-(A report of surveys on the demand for fuel wood in Yamanakako Village, Yamanashi Prefecture :Exploratory investigation by observing chimney and wood stock, questionnaire survey, and selling experiment of logs for fuel wood) |
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原口竜成・大村和也・千嶋武(HARAGUCHI, Ryusei; OMURA, Kazuya; CHISHIMA, Takeshi) |
秩父演習林における亜高山帯風害跡地試験地の毎木調査資料(2015 年) (Enumeration data (2015) for a wind-damaged forest plot in the subalpine zone in The University of Tokyo Chichibu Forest) |
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原口竜成・大村和也・千嶋武(HARAGUCHI, Ryusei; OMURA, Kazuya; CHISHIMA, Takeshi) |
秩父演習林における亜高山帯老齢天然林試験地の毎木調査資料(2015 年)(Enumeration data (2015) for an old-growth natural forest plot in the subalpine zone in The University of Tokyo Chichibu Forest) |
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執行宣彦・梅木清・平尾聡秀(SHIGYO, Nobuhiko; UMEKI, Kiyoshi; HIRAO, Toshihide) |
東京大学秩父演習林における標高に沿った土壌特性と環境要因の関係 (Relationships between soil properties and environmental factors along elevational gradients in the University of Tokyo Chichibu Forest) |
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浅野友子・齋藤俊浩・木村恒太・原口竜成・千嶋武(ASANO, Yuko; SAITO, Toshihiro; KIMURA, Kota; HARAGUCHI, Ryusei; CHISHIMA, Takeshi) |
秩父演習林矢竹沢の治山堰堤を用いた量水観測-副堤水通しの複断面切り欠き下段での水位と流量の関係ー(Discharge measurement using an erosion control dam at Yatakezawa in The University of Tokyo Chichibu Forest -Water height and discharge relationships of lower level notch at the multiple dimensional spillway of the secondary dam-) |
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東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林基盤データ整備委員会水文水質部門(Hydrology and Water Quality Division, Fundamental Data Development Committee, The University of Tokyo Forests, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo) |
東京大学演習林水文観測・水質分析報告(自2014年1月至2014年12月)(Report of the Hydrological Observations and Chemical Analysis of Water Quality in the University of Tokyo Forests (Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2014)) |
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東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林基盤データ整備委員会気象部門(Meteorology Division, Fundamental Data Development Committee, The University of Tokyo Forests) |
東京大学演習林気象報告(自2015年1月至2015年12月)(Annual Report of Meteorological Observations in the University of Tokyo Forests, The University of Tokyo (Jan. 2015 - Dec. 2015)) |
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東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林企画部(Executive Office, The University of Tokyo Forests, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo) |
東京大学演習林の外部評価結果と「教育研究計画2011-2020」の見直し(Results of an External Evaluation and Revision of "Education and Research Plan (2011 - 2020)" of The University of Tokyo Forests) |