
Laboratory of Forest Ecosystem

Laboratory of Forest Functional Biology

Laboratory of Forest and Human Society Relationship

Laboratory of Forest and Water Resources Management

Laboratory of Forest Ecosystem

Naoto KAMATA (Professor)

LOCATION The University of Tokyo Chiba Forest
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest Entomology, Population Ecology, Community Ecology
RESEARCH TOPICS Biology of Platypus quercivorus, Geographic clines in bark and ambrosia beetle community, Biological interaction influencing population dynamics of the beech caterpilar (Syntypistis punctatella)
TEL. 04-7094-0621, FAX. 04-7094-2321
MESSAGE I welcome tudents who want to study the relationship between population dynamics of animals and insects and ecosystems from the perspective of forest protection and ecosystem conservation.

Susumu GOTO (Associate Professor)

LOCATION The University of Tokyo Tanashi Forest
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
RESEARCH TOPICS Genetic basis of local adaptation in boreal conifers / Understanding climate responses of forest tree species / Tree breeding and seedling production
TEL. 042-461-1528, FAX. 042-461-2302
MESSAGE I'm conducting research to understand the genetic mechanisms for local adaptation and to advance forest tree breeding. Recently, I've been employing experimental approaches to achieve mitigation of climate change.

Toshihide HIRAO (Lecturer)

LOCATION Forest GX/DX Co-creation Center (also appointed to The University of Tokyo Chichibu Forest)
AREA OF EXPERTISE Biodiversity and Forest Ecology
RESEARCH TOPICS Ecological consequences of deer herbivory to diversity and interactions in forest ecosystems / Ecological functions of soil microorganisms in forest plants-soil feedback / Roles of local adaptation in shaping elevational gradients in biodiversity
TEL. 03-5841-5498, FAX. 03-5841-5494
Web https://en.thirao.com/
MESSAGE Understanding forest biodiversity and interactions between organisms will help us to conserve the diversity of life on Earth and to understand their ecosystem functions. I study forest biodiversity and interactions using multifaceted approaches such as field surveys, field experiments, genome analysis, and statistical modeling. I hope to use the knowledge gained to help conserve forest flora and fauna and ecosystem services.

Dai FUKUI (Lecturer)

LOCATION Fuji Iyashinomori Woodland Study Center
RESEARCH TOPICS Effects of forest management on mammal behavior and ecology / Ecology and behavior of forest dwelling bats / Biogeography of bats in east Asia
TEL. 0555-62-0012, FAX. 0555-62-4798
MESSAGE My researches center on the interaction between mammals and forests. My previous work focuses primarily on the insectivorous bat that is the most diverse mammal group in the Japanese forests. Now focusing on how forest management influences the ecology and behavior of mammals.

Tadashi MAEHARA (Assistant Professor)

LOCATION The University of Tokyo Tanashi Forest
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest Insects Ecology
RESEARCH TOPICS Research on the environmental preferences of ground beetles in the forest area. / The ecology of the red-eyed butterfly in the UTTF.
TEL. 042-461-1528, FAX. 042-461-2302
MESSAGE Whether it's raining or snowing, I go out to the field covered in sweat and mud. There are always new discoveries and impressions. I hope that people who go out to the field together and touch the soil and sharpen their scientific eyes will gather.

Yoko HISAMOTO (Assistant Professor)

LOCATION The University of Tokyo Chichibu Forest
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest molecular ecology
RESEARCH TOPICS Molecular mechanism of mass flowering in bamboos / Expression analysis of flowering genes in Abies sachalinensis / Development of DNA markers for putative hybrid species detection in Japanese dwarf bamboo
TEL. 0494-22-0272, FAX. 0494-23-9620
MESSAGE I am interested in specific phenomenon of forest ecology like a mass flowering of bamboos. I would like to clarify how these phenomena are controlled genetically. Particularly, analysis of molecular mechanism of flowering is my major research subject.

Laboratory of Forest Functional Biology

Toshihiro YAMADA (Professor)

LOCATION Executive Office (also appointed to Forest GX/DX Co-creation Center)
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest Pathology and Forest Health
RESEARCH TOPICS Defense responses of sapwood against fungi, especially of Japanese cedar and oak trees / Resistance of pines agaist pinewood nematode / Nondestructive assessment of wood decay of living trees
TEL. 03-5841-5493, FAX. 03-5841-5494
MESSAGE I study how trees defend themselves against microbial infection, and ecology of host-pathogen interaction, including pathogen spread and infection. Understanding host-pathogen interaction is essential to control tree diseases by genetic and silvicultural improvement.

Shigehiro KAMODA (Associate Professor)

LOCATION The University of Tokyo Chichibu Forest
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest Chemistry
RESEARCH TOPICS Development of effective eucalypts forest management techniques in Japan / Defense responses of ezo-spruce against pathogenic fungi / Relationship between responses of trees against biotic/abiotic stress and gene expression/metabolites / Process of deserted mine reforestation and role of symbiotic microorganisms in it, and improvement of reforestation
TEL. 0494-22-0272, FAX. 0494-23-9620
MESSAGE I am interested in introducing a eucalyptus into Japanese forestry in order to protect a Japanese forest plants (ezo-spruce, Japanese cedar, and so on). Japanese will surely need a eucalyptus with high productivity in the not-so-distant future.

Dai KUSUMOTO (Lecturer)

LOCATION The University of Tokyo Chiba Forest
AREA OF EXPERTISE Pathological Tree Physiology
RESEARCH TOPICS Resistance mechanisms of trees against pathogen and insect attacks / Signaling pathway of defense responses in trees
TEL. 04-7094-0621, FAX. 04-7094-2321
MESSAGE Induced defense is the most important mechanism to prevent pathogen invasion into tree tissues. However, the induction and mediation processes of induced defenses are not fully understood. I study defense responses of trees with an interest in the relation with signal substances.

Daisuke SAKAUE (Assistant Professor)

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LOCATION The University of Tokyo Chichibu Forest
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest Pathology
RESEARCH TOPICS Etiology and control of nursery diseases / Influence of forest pathogenic fungi on natural regeneration of tree seedlings / Diseases that occur on eucalypt plantation in Japan
TEL. 0494-22-0272, FAX. 0494-23-9620
MESSAGE What is the HEALTH of trees and forests? How should we treat trees and forests to keep or promote their HEALTH? I am trying to find the solution by understanding physiology of trees, ecology of forest microorganisms and their interactions.

Hiroki INOUE (Assistant Professor)

LOCATION Arboricultural Research Institute
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest Chemistry
RESEARCH TOPICS Development of effective eucalypts forest management techniques in Japan / Establishment of a method for enhancing secondary metabolites production in woody plants
TEL. 0558-62-0021, FAX. 0558-62-3170
MESSAGE I am engaged in developing effective eucalypts forest management techniques in Japan. Also I am trying to establish a method for producing heartwood constituents in cultured cells of woody plants.

Laboratory of Forest and Human Society Relationship

Hiroki KOBAYASHI (Professor)

LOCATION Forest GX/DX Co-creation Center(Concurrent position with the Information Technology Center)
AREA OF EXPERTISE Human-Computer Interaction
RESEARCH TOPICS Animal-Computer-Interaction, IoT, Design
MESSAGE Let's make a lot of mistakes. Doing things differently from others carries high risks, but it also offers much learning. I have lived with a cat for a long time and have been interested in the sounds of the forest since high school, maintaining this interest even as a working adult. I attended university late, like a tortoise, and graduated in my late twenties.

Naoki YASUMURA (Associate Professor)

LOCATION Ecohydrology Research Institute
RESEARCH TOPICS Relationship between thermal environment and wood materials in housing Change of plantation silviculture and its international comparison
TEL. 0561-82-2371, FAX. 0561-85-2838
MESSAGE I consider how forests and forestry contribute to the improvement of people's lives.

Yuka TOKUNAGA (Project Associate Professor)

LOCATION Forest GX/DX Co-creation Center
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest Science, Architectural Environment, Environmental Policy
RESEARCH TOPICS Negative Emission Technologies Using Biomass/ Quantification of Environmental Value as a Nature-based Solution/ Effects of Carbon Sequestration through Timber in Building Renovations"
TEL. 03-5841-4533, FAX. 03-5841-5494
MESSAGE We are taking on the challenge of interdisciplinary efforts that do not confine themselves to a single field of study, in order to present concrete measures towards achieving carbon neutrality. Our approach includes cross-disciplinary research between engineering and agriculture, as well as integrated humanities and sciences research, aiming to solve global-scale issues.

Haruo SAITO (Lecturer)

LOCATION Arboricultural Research Institute
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest Policy, Forest and culture, Ethnobotany/Ethnomycology and Commons
RESEARCH TOPICS Significance of forest culture and its conservation/ Public access to nature and its institutional background/ Collective action for contemporary forest utilization and management
TEL. 0558-62-0021, FAX. 0558-62-3170
MESSAGE I am interested in relationship between human and nature widely, and especially in human activities, its cognition, decision and wisdom. I approach my topics from various method, such as participant observation, interview survey, literature survey, questionnaire survey and so on (please refer also; https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/focus/en/features/z1304_00007.html)

Akio FUJIWARA (Assistant Professor)

LOCATION Forest GX/DX Co-creation Center
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest Informatics
RESEARCH TOPICS Social informatics study on virtual forest experience with multimedia / Multimedia recording and measuring forest and its applications
TEL. 03-5841-1703, FAX. 03-5841-5494
MESSAGE Thinking about the relationship between human and forest, we should consider not only physical but also informatical relationship. I guess it gets more important informatical relationship than phisical in contemporary society. I am interested in forest information in medium, mulitmedia recording and mesuring, GIS, the Internet, VR, physical computing and also social informatics study.

Masahiro AIBA (Project Assistant Professor)

LOCATION Forest GX/DX Co-creation Center
AREA OF EXPERTISE Community Ecology, Forest Ecology
RESEARCH TOPICS GX/DX of the University Forest/ Trait-based analyses of tree communities/ Relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem services
TEL. 03-5841-4568, FAX. 03-5841-5494
MESSAGE As a specially appointed assistant professor of the Forest GX/DX Co-Creation Center, I am working on data release of the university forest and assessment of carbon stocks as a basis for GX. I am also conducting research on community ecology and ecosystem services using large-scale data and machine learning.

Laboratory of Forest and Water Resources Management

Koichiro KURAJI (Professor)

LOCATION Executive Office
AREA OF EXPERTISE Interactions of Forests, Water and People, Integrated Watershed Management
RESEARCH TOPICS Function of forests during heavy rain / Function of forests during drought event / Impact of forest recovery and forest cutting on flood discharge and low flow / Integrated watershed management / Tropical forest hydrology (Northern Thailand, North Borneo)
TEL. 03-5841-8640, FAX. 03-5841-5494
MESSAGE More than 70% of the land of Japan is covered by forests. Water resources and flood risk for Japanese people is depend on how forests react to the water flow path from rainfall to the river. Not only an over use but also an under use of the man-made conifer plantation forests in Japan is not only an issue of timber production but an issue of flood risk and water resources of urban citizens. Integrated watershed management is needed to realize a wise use of forests and water for each watersheds in the near future in Japan and anywhere in the world.

Toshiaki OWARI (Associate Professor)

LOCATION The University of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest Management, Forestry Business
RESEARCH TOPICS Data-driven forest management using digital technologies / Close-to-nature silviculture / Growth and management of old Cryptomeria japonica plantation
TEL. 0167-42-2111, FAX. 0167-42-2689 LinkedIn,researchmap, ResearchGate
MESSAGE I am conducting a variety of practical and applied research in the field of University of Tokyo Forests to realize forest management that maintains structural and compositional complexity and creates multiple ecosystem services. I actively use geospatial information technologies such as GNSS, LiDAR, and UAV to reduce labor and improve the accuracy of forest information management.

Yuko ASANO (Lecturer)

LOCATION Ecohydrology Research Institute
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest and Catchment Hydrology, Sabo
RESEARCH TOPICS Water and nutrient dynamics at soil-plant continuum, hillslope, and catchment scale / Developing new methods for hydrology and hydraulic measurement / Long-term changes in forest environments and their effects on water and sediment runoff
TEL. 0561-82-2371, FAX. 0561-85-2838
MESSAGE I study how water runoff when it rains in the mountains and how have historical changes in forest use and the mountain environment altered water and sediment discharge, mainly based on field observation. This information is essential for the management of water resources and for the prediction of water and sediment related disasters at sloping terrain. It is very exciting to study dynamic and sophisticated natures of the natural systems.

Nobuaki TANAKA (Lecturer)

LOCATION The University of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest Hydrology and Meteorology
RESEARCH TOPICS Impacts of both climate change and ecosystem dynamics on hydrological cycling in forested area / Water and nutrient cycling studies in several tropical monsoon forest sites in SE Asia
TEL. 0167-42-2111, FAX. 0167-42-2689
MESSAGE Based mainly on field measurements, I am investigating impacts of both climate change and ecosystem dynamics on water and nutrient cycling in forested areas. I am deploying my research sites not only to research forests of Tokyo University Forests but also to several tropical monsoon forests in South East Asia. Please contact me if you would like to know my research in more detail.

Naoko MIURA (Assistant Professor)

LOCATION Fuji Iyashinomori Woodland Study Center
AREA OF EXPERTISE Remote Sensing, LiDAR, GIS for Ecology & Forestry
RESEARCH TOPICS Analysis of 3D forest structure using airborne laser scanning / The utility of LiDAR for recovering ecological variables / Terrestrial laser scanning of mountain channels / Herbaceous vegetation mapping using UAV laser and imagery
TEL. 0555-62-0012, FAX. 0555-62-4798
MESSAGE My goal has been to help in forming conservation strategies and contribute to maintaining biodiversity. I am interested in the application of geospatial technology such as Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecology.

Yusuke MIZUUCHI (Assistant Professor)

LOCATION Ecohydrology Research Institute
AREA OF EXPERTISE Forest landscape planning, Landscape architecture
RESEARCH TOPICS Scenic landscape assessment using spatial information technologies/ History of landscape architecture in Asia
TEL. 0561-82-2371, FAX. 0561-85-2838
MESSAGE Landscape is what I am interested in. It is the result of human-environment interaction and, is also a phenomenon. The concept of landscape includes natural environment as well as the value of the history, culture and so on. Hence the study focuses are on the relationship between human and environment, especially, the way of perception of environment as landscape and how to grab it.

MoeinFarahnak (Project Assistant Professor)

LOCATION Ecohydrology Research Institute
AREA OF EXPERTISE forest soil, soil hydrology
RESEARCH TOPICS Impact of forest thinning and clear-cutting on rainfall-runoff process. Tree species impact on soil hydraulic properties.
TEL. 0561-82-2371, FAX. 0561-85-2838
MESSAGE Soil is the foundation of the forest ecosystem. I am interested to know how tree species change soil properties and how soil changes after tree cutting. If we understand these changes in the soil, we can better manage forest soil after thinning or clear-cutting operations.